July 09, 2006

I've spent most of last week installing an exhibition about the sixties and despite many traumas it has come together brilliantly.

Yesterday was the opening day and L did a fab and groovy job of painting 60s designs on all comers. It was great watching her: she had a true artist's confidence of line.

Now that tattooing has almost officially become an art form, I wonder if body painting might be the next 'is it art' question? It'll certainly be celebrated today at the World Cup final.


Blogger Sandrine (alias Didine ♥ ) said...

Even if it became an art form, tattooing is not so good ! Imagine, I have two orchideas on my shoulder made 15 years ago and now it's awful !! I hate it ! I'm going to have surgery to take it off !!!! I would prefer as you show body painted form !!! Big smooches to you !

11:24 am  

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