November 12, 2006

T is for... 12 of 12

10:12am, bedside table. Actually I'd been up since half eight but this was a mid-morning moment of peace as I got dressed.

10:27am, living room. DD getting ready to go swimming.

12:34pm, on the way out of the village. I had to work this weekend, one of my duty management weekends. Thankfully the museum's closed Sunday morning.

12:36pm. Who needs to go to New England? We do autumn beautifully in old England too.

12:53pm, the view from my office door. Yup, that's three stories of galleries. Vertigo's not in my job description.

2:14pm, the ladies. One day I'm going to research and write some interpretation for these tiles. They are definitely a museum piece.

2:15pm, the top tea room (staff room). You can see all the car parks for miles around.

2:19pm, on the stairs back to my office. The sounds-nicer-than-it-tastes creamichoc from the staff room machine.

2:20pm, the view from my office window. I get a lot of westerly sun so the stained glass is functional.

4:19pm, getting in the car to go home. The sign fools no one, yesterday the car park was completely full of random shoppers.

4:33pm, petrol station. For my american friends, 83.9p is about a dollar fifty and a litre is about a quarter of a gallon (so that makes it $6 a gallon...).

4:35pm, on the road, nearly home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The petrol price seems quite familiar.

Very nice way from the village, with all trees.

11:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love those tiles, is there a history to them?

10:49 am  

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